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What do these designations mean?

“pocket” – a listing taken by a licensed real estate agent. But, rather than sending the listing out through the public market (MLS), the agent and their client have decided to use to target buyers directly streamlining the transaction.

“MLS” – The multiple listing service. A platform for brokers and their agents which relies on two agents in a single transaction, one to represent the buyer and one to represent the seller – agents often post listings on which are already posted via the MLS in order to expand their marketing efforts.

“fsbo” – For-sale-by-owner. These posting are from the owners (individual and professional) themselves. Buyers contact these sellers directly.

Results from: All Listings

Listing #28166, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 | active



NEW PRICE REDUCTION - SHOW YOUR OFFER. The property is on upper Waverly and in a cul-de-sac. No sign on the property. Value is in the land. Nothing special on the inside. DON'T BE SHY....... [ login or sign up  for complete details]
